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Get Your Natural Glow Back With Facials

  • Posted: January 13, 2020
  • protone

What comes to your mind when you think about facials? To me, it’s weddings and posh functions. Brides and grooms, and even some of the relatives indulge in costly facials just to look great for their special day. But facials are more than just something that’s supposed to make you look better.

We spend a lot of time on our faces, taking good care of it. It’s the one place on our body that gets looked at the most. So naturally, any blemishes, imperfections, and other skin problems make us feel very insecure. The fact that we can’t see our own faces multiplies this insecurity. The skin on your face is also different from the rest of your body. It is comparatively thinner, making it delicate and more prone to wrinkles, dryness and cracking. 

Many people use a lot of homemade remedies for their faces. While this may work, it is always better to get professional care for your skin as well. There are a few different kinds of facials, each designed to tackle different kinds of skin problems.

What is a facial?

A facial is a skin treatment that is designed to clean the pores on your face, along with exfoliating dead skin cells and treating common skin problems. Facials can help your skin regain its natural glow and make you look younger. There are a few different varieties of facials that target different skin problems. They use different skin products that work wonders on your skin. Some facials are even designed to reduce the signs of ageing by decreasing wrinkles. Facials may even include a short steam session that works to open up your pores. This makes blackhead and whitehead extraction much easier.

Benefits of a facial

Apart from the obvious cleansing properties of a facial, it helps the skin fight against common problems. Facials can help with mild acne. If you have dry skin, certain types of facials will help you keep your skin well moisturised. 

Looking at other benefits, a professional facial session will leave your skin glowing. This is why facials are one of the most important things before important functions like weddings. Nothing better than looking fresh all day!

Apart from this, facials, are kinda like massages for your face. They help improve blood circulation on your face, which in turn benefits your skin. The aestheticians use their fingers and hands to apply gentle strokes on your face. This motion also helps the skin absorb the creams used during a facial. 

What can you expect at Protone Day Spa?

You can expect your skin to be cleansed, and exfoliated. Pores that are blocked due to excess oil or dead skin cells are unclogged. This is done to prevent acne and blackheads. The aesthetician will gently massage your face while applying the necessary creams. This is a very relaxing experience that also improves blood circulation. Our facials are suited for all skin types, for both men and women.

At Protone Day Spa we have 3 different facial services for you:

Protone Signature Facial (60 min): 

This is our signature facial experience. All-round care for your skin. 

Skin Moisturising Facial (60 min):

This facial is suited for people with dry skin. It is focused on moisturising skin.

Deep Cleansing Facial (60 min):

If you want to get rid of impurities, dead skin cells and other toxins from your skin, this is the facial you should go for. This facial unclogs your pores, leaving you with clear and clean skin.

Facials may seem frivolous, but in reality, they are far from it. The benefits facials offer are numerous. If you’re looking to get proper skincare, or perhaps if you just want to look stunning for a very special day, you should definitely try getting a professional facial. 

Click here to book a session at Protone Day Spa. 

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